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5 tips on how to increase your self-confidence


Updated: Dec 9, 2022

Confidence is the cornerstone of success. If you are confident, you will be successful in your goals. If you are not confident, then that will translate into failure in your goals. You can have all the talent in the world but if you lack confidence it will show up in everything that you do.

So today this post is for you. I'm gonna give you some tips to help you become more confident. Believe me it's possible. The most confident you is waiting for you and I'm gonna show how you can become that version of yourself. Let's start.

1. Be yourself

"The first thing you need to do is to be yourself..."

The first step to becoming more confident is learning to be yourself. That’s right, being yourself. Well...becoming more confident doesn't mean that you'll become someone else. But first it's about embracing your weakness and your strength. If you are not being true to your core values and beliefs, then you will never feel confident or comfortable with who you are.

But the thing is to be yourself you need to know yourself. When you know who you are, when you know your worth, it's easier to trust yourself.

This will help you find the things that truly make you happy and clarify what your core values are. Once these are established, then it will be easier for you to live confidently in the world.

Check out: self awareness questions to answer to know who you are

Here's how you can do it:

-Keep a journal

To boost your self-esteem, set a timer to 3 minutes and write down all your good qualities, talents and skills. Every one has a unique strengths, talents, and innate gifts. What's your unique combination? What can you do better than anyone else?

-Make a compliment jar

What is the most recent compliment you have received? Every time someone give you a compliment write it down and put it on the jar. Every time you are down pick a compliment and see how wonderful and special you are.

Do what you feel like doing

Think about something you've been wanting to do for quite a while. And give yourself permission to do it. If you want to buy something you like don't keep yourself... Just do it.

Dress up. Wear something that makes you feel good. Have you ever bought yourself flowers ? Give it a try. Express yourself. Stop thinking too much and just do it.

2- Be good to yourself

Celebrate your wins

Celebrating even the smallest win reflects an overall attitude of gratitude and enjoying what you have, what you have accomplished so far instead of focusing on what you don't have or only what you want in the future.

Acknowledging small wins sparks the reward circuits of our brains and releases chemicals that gives a feeling of pride and happiness factor, making us want to go further towards out next achievements. Simply recording progress in some way helps to boost self-confidence and can be put to use toward future successes.

Don't be too hard on yourself

Give it a thought: if you flip when trying something what is the worst that can happen?

I need you to know something : It's okay If you fail. Don't take it too personally. In fact if you don't fail at some point, you're not trying enough. Don't punish yourself for a mistake. You can still learn and improve.

Don't compare yourself to others

Don't forget that each person has his one struggle and one capacity and story. Don't try to compare yourself with other. You can get inspired by someone's life but don't let what other can achieve affect you. Doing this is not what you need. I won't make you feel better. Most of times what you see is not really what it really is.

Everyone has what he worked for. Think that if others can live the life of the dreams and be the person they wanted to be, you can do it too. Focus on yourself and on what you can do everyday to achieve your life goals .

Take care of yourself

Taking some time to treat yourself in your own interests demonstrates your worth,which leads to improved self-esteem. It teaches you a lot about yourself and provides you with insight into what you need to be the best version of yourself.

There are many activities you can do such as taking a warm bath, reading a book you like, watching a favourite TV show, getting a massage...The choices are endless.

- Use affirmation

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thought. They are used to reprogram the subconscious mind, to encourage us to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world and our place within it and then create the reality we want.

Here below grab 10 affirmations to help you get more confident⤵

For your affirmation to work, you need to expose yourself to it every day. Stand in front of the mirror and say your affirmation out loud over and over again for at least minutes. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. ...

Post your affirmation in important places. Use note cards, sticky notes, a cute poster or printout, or any other system you like to write out your affirmation and put them in eye-catching places.

Be consistent and patient. On average, it takes affirmations 22 days to work. However, it could take up to 66 days or longer to reach their full benefits. So if you want to get results you'll need to be more patient.

3. Stay with positive people

"Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are."

Don't underestimate the influence others have on you. Those around you play a lot in your self confidence. Why? When you are surrounded by people who only demean you, who don't see your talent, who dont support you and don't compliment you...You'll be certainly touched.

You should reconsider hanging out with them and chose an other company. It is all more important to be surrounded by people who can see the wonderful you are. Always stay with people who support you in your endeavours. If you have to sort it out, do it. Favour the quality over quantity.

4. Be a better YOU. everyday.

Confidence requires competence. Yes, increasing competency levels by developing knowledge and skills will automatically lead to becoming more confident.

Keep improving

Having goals, projects and objectives allow you to gain self confidence because to achieve certain objectives, you will have to surpass yourself and acquire new skills and improve certain aspects of your life, you will work on yourself and become the best version of yourself.

Set "stretch" goals for yourself. The best goals should be achievable yet make you squirm at the same time.

Keep learning

Make your life more interesting by challenging your mind. You can learn from a capacity you already have. If you know how to cook for example try some new recipes, if you know how to dance try a new choreography...

Learning something new can give you a confidence boost and make you proud of yourself. There also no reason to stay with the same knowledge about a topic. You can improve your capacity by putting your data base up to date and be more confident when you have to start a new project

Step out of your comfort zone

Seeking comfort leads to discomfort, seeking discomfort leads to comfort

Getting out of your comfort zone is often seen as an anxiety -provoking and risky thing. Because it's scary !

When you live almost exclusively in your comfort zone it means that you are always dealing with familiar parameters. So that these do not change. Stagnating in your comfort zone does not prepare you for new situations and can in the long run damage your self-esteem ( and that is not what we want to happen ).

Stepping out of your comfort zone will allow you to learn a lot of new things especially about yourself. At first you can find it uncomfortable but with practice you will eventually find it enjoyable, maybe you will think that it wasn't a so big deal and be ready the next time you'll have to do it cause you know how to do it and be confident.

5. Imagine the most confident version of yourself

How would your life be different if you have 10% more confident in yourself?

Faking it should be a good part of your strategy to become the most confident version of yourself. What will your ideal self be like ?

Visualize your highest self then show up as her. Do whatever you think your most confident version of you would do. Learn to act like a confident person and utterly you'll become one.

Fake it 'till you make it.

So at the end...

Increasing your self confidence is easier than you think. All it takes are small changes to help boost your confidence in all aspects of life. By using the tips in this article, you should be able to start feeling better about yourself in no time.

'til next time.



❤ Sharing is caring


Feb 21, 2022

This is a great post. I am trying to increase my self confidence more. I will definitely try the compliment jar. The other tips are great. Thank you for sharing these tips.

May 31, 2022
Replying to

Thank you so much for reading this post and taking the time to leave a comment, Charlotte. I'm glad to hear that you're going to try one of these methods out and I hope it helps you improve your self confidence. I'm also glad that you found the other tips to be helpful. I'd love to hear how it goes for you. 😊




Hey there! I'm Gerthy

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