15 fun things to do on the Autumn season
Updated: Sep 4, 2023
The sun is blotted out by gray clouds, the smell of rain fills the air. Autumn has arrived and it's time to embrace all that it has to offer. There are many activities that you can enjoy doing with your family and friends, not to mention the abundance of food.
With so many things to do this time of year, it can be hard to choose which activities are right for you. To help narrow your search, here are few ideas that should keep you entertained all season long.
1 - Take a hike!
There's no better way to experience nature than by walking through it yourself. The changing colors of the leaves will surely make this an amazing activity.
2 - Bake some treats
Fall is a good time to show your baking skills. Bake cookies, cakes, brownies, pies, breads, muffins and any other baked treat you think of. You can even freeze them for later or give them to friends and family for gifts. They are all edible gifts that people will love to receive during the holidays.
Also try making your own jam/jelly this time of year too. It’s super easy to do with some basic equipment and some fresh fruit from your local produce market or farm stand.
3-Buy yourself something nice! (A new shirt, or some jewelry)
The fall season is an excellent time to treat yourself. It’s a great way to reward yourself for your hard work during the summer and it helps motivate you for the winter months.
You can buy yourself flowers, or some jewellery, buy a new outfit or purchase that beautiful handbag that has been sitting in your closet collecting dust!
4-Plan a Thanksgiving Dinner with Your Family/Friends
Planning a thanksgiving dinner is not as easy as it seems. There are so many things to consider: where we should go, what we should eat and how we can make sure that everyone gets along and has fun. It's hard work but the results will be totally worth it: you'll have a great time with your family and friends, making lots of wonderful memories!
5 - Try some new recipes
As the weather starts to cool down and fall kicks into full gear, it’s a great time to try some new recipes. Spice up your menu a little with the changing of the seasons. You don’t have to go crazy, but try a new vegetable or two, and explore some new ways to cook old favorites.
There is no doubt that fall recipes will be able to help you in making delicious meals. You can even create a new meal for your family and friends with the help of these recipes. This will not only make them happy but also they will appreciate you.
6 - Drink lots of hot chocolate!
Who doesn't like hot chocolate?!! Me, I love it. What is the best thing to drink during fall sesaon, when you stay at home on your couches drinking a good hot chocolate!! So cosy!!

7 - let the autumn aesthetic come into your house
What are your favourite autumn crafts? If you want to make your home look more attractive during fall, then you can do it by creating a lot of simple things out of wood or by using other natural materials.
For example, you can decorate windows with leaves and branches, create beautiful wreaths for doors with leaves, berries and acorns. You should also add some candles on the windowsill so that they could shine through the glass.
An other idea is to buy a big pumpkin and carve a scary face on it. Then put some candles around it and light them up for a nice effect. Next, take some branches that have fallen off from nearby trees and arrange them in a circle or something that you find pleasant. Finally, take out your old blankets and sheets as well as pillows from storage, place them all over the floor around the tree branches so everyone can sit down comfortably.
There's lot more ideas you can try.
8 - Walk in the rain ( with an umbrella )
A walk in the rain is not something that most people do every day. If you like to be out and about, this will give you an opportunity to experience something new.
9 - Sort leaves by size , colour and shape
This activity is a great way to learn about nature’s beauty as well as how to categorize things. You can learn to appreciate the colours of nature as well as the different shades of green that make up a forest or field in autumn.

10 - Have a fall picnic
This time of year is very beautiful. It’s a great time for picnics and outdoor fun. Have an autumnal picnic with your friends or family and enjoy the weather that is just right for it!
11 - Watch a spooky film
Many people say that watching a movie in the fall is the best way to start your day. Whether it’s because of the cosy blanket, or maybe you like to watch horror movies, one thing is for sure; watching spooky movies in the fall can be fun.
12 - Eat grilled marshmallows
Grilled marshmallows are an easy way to make the most of fall. You can use them for campfires or to cook on your stove top.
An other way you can have it is to soak your marshmallows in some chocolate and then throw them on the grill for a few minutes. They will turn into little chocolate covered puffs of marshmallow goodness. Either way, you’re sure to have a good time with these gooey treats.
13 - Paint your nails spooky colours
This is a great way to get into the spooky spirit of Halloween without having to do anything crazy or go all out with your costume. Just pick up a pair of these new shades at your local salon and you’ll be ready for any party or trick-or-treating!
14 - Write what you're thankful for
The fall season is the perfect time to reflect on what you’re thankful for in life. You can create a list of things that you are thankful for on your journal and revise them every day.
What you're thankful for doesn't have to be limited to material things, either. It could also be about people in your life who bring something positive into your day or make your life better.
15 - Start planning for Christmas! (Buy gifts, wrap them up, etc.)
It’s a good idea to start planning for Christmas as soon as the fall season begins. If you have a big family, or a large circle of friends, you probably have a lot on your plate already. But it is important to remember that there are other people out there who may be going through difficult times and not have as much as you do. This is why it’s so important to consider giving back during this time of year, because it can mean the world to another person.
16 - Have fun
During this season of giving thanks, make sure you are giving thanks regularly throughout the year. Find something everyday that can make you smile or laugh or both. Don't forget to have fun !!!
There is so much to do during the fall season and we want you to try them all. Be sure to let us know which one is your favourite by leaving a comment below and share this post with your friends so they can enjoy fall season as well.
'til next time