How to Organize Your Life to Get More Free Time
Updated: Feb 13, 2024
Most people feel as if there is too much to do every day and not enough time to do it. But, how does that explain those people who are super-productive and seem to get so much more done than the average person? The way to explain it is that they’ve found what they want to do, and they do what they want to do, and nothing else.
By learning how to organise your life, you can make more free time for the things you love. Time is the most precious commodity anyone has and if you feel like you never have enough, it’s time to take back control.
There are many different ways to approach organisation, so it’s important to find what works for you. But there are some tried and tested methods that can help anyone get their life in order. In this blog post, we’ll explore 7 tips to help you organise your life for more free time.

Determining What's Important
You might find yourself doing things that don't matter all that much. Maybe you talk on the phone to a relative every day for an hour but you really don’t want to and don’t have time to, but you don’t know how to stop it. It's important to sit down and think about what does matter to you and who matters to you. That way, you can focus on things that will make a difference in your life.
Schedule Everything
Once you know what’s important, It's important to use a good calendar to schedule all of your commitments, including time for leisure activities. If something is a priority, it should be reflected in your schedule. When you schedule things, be realistic about how long each task will take so that you don't overbook yourself.
Learn to Say No
You probably have a lot of people, family, friends, co-workers asking you to do all sorts of things that you really don’t want to do, don’t care about doing, and don’t really make a big difference in your life other than to suck time from your day. Realize that it’s OK to say no to things that just aren’t important to you. It’s okay if people think you’re a horrible person too. They’ll get used to it and find someone else to sucker into doing everything.

Turn Off the TV
It’s amazing what kind of time TV sucks from your life these days. Now that we have Netflix, Amazon, and other streaming technology, anything we want to watch is available on demand. This makes binge watching a real thing. Save binge watching TV for when you’re sick, the weather is bad, or it’s that time of the month. Try to limit your TV (show watching) time to less than one hour a day. Then only watch it if you can combine it with physical activity to help you stay healthy.
Get Off the Internet
A lot of people get online and call it “work” or “research”, but all they’re really doing is messing around. Reading Facebook for hours on end is not work or research; it’s a time sucker. While it’s fun, try to let go of doing it. Time yourself to find out how much time you’re wasting, then set a limit. Everyone deserves fun, and if this is fun for you, you should not give it up. Just limit it.
Automate What You Can
There are many things that can be automated if you have the time and resources to do so. This can help free up your time to focus on other tasks. For example, if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can get many things auto shipped to you, which will save you a trip to the grocery store. Automating certain tasks can also help improve efficiency and accuracy. Look up “the internet of things” and you’ll be amazed at the type of automation that exists today.
Follow Your Body’s Rhythm
Many people are running around trying to beat the clock while running on fumes. They are doing that because their internal body clock is not set to run from morning to night like our society tries to run. Try as much as you can to work and sleep when your body wants to do that instead of forcing it out of its natural rhythm. You’ll be more productive; thus, you’ll save more time.
In conclusion, these are 7 tips to help you organize your life for more free time. Though everybody is different, you can start with these tips and see how they help you. If you found them useful, let me know in the comments below or share this article with someone who could need some organization help. As always, if you have any suggestions for future topics, let me know in the comments below.
'till next time.