Answer these simple questions and get a deeper knowledge about yourself
Updated: Apr 16, 2024
Self-awareness is such a huge topic. Not anybody knows about it and people tend to live their life ignoring who they really are, living accordingly with what people think about them the way that others want them to live. And this is exactly when you should start your self-discovery. Self-awareness is basically knowing your tastes your emotions, your struggle, strength, and analyzing yourself, independently of what people think about you.
Here's why you should practice self-awareness:
It helps you train your mind to live in the present not the future or the past.
It helps you control your emotions. You are not just feeling but you discover why you are feeling that way. Therefore, you can decide to proceed with your emotions in healthier ways, control them to not let yourself be submerged.
It helps you know if you are following your true path in life by knowing what you really want in life and avoid listening to others instead of your inner voice. You're no longer an observer of your life or living the life of someone else but you are living your own life.
With self-awareness, you are an observer of your actions and as an observer, you chose how you respond to things. You get to choose if what you're observing matches who you are, your true self, and who you want to be.

Learning about yourself helps you recognize how you could do things better or differently. You can make a better judgment about yourself and you will have the insight to know which values goals activate your strength. Your awareness of your goals and struggles can help you empathize with others.
The thing about self-discovery is that the more you discover and know about yourself, the better you can adapt to life difficulties and make decisions that can impact your life living positively, that reflect the person you want to be and you truly are.
The more self-aware you are, the more you learn about yourself, the better you can improve yourself based on what you learned. Self-understanding makes you free of what people think of you. Self-reliance and self-awareness are also linked with self-confidence.
By knowing who you are and what you stand for in life can help to give you a strong sense of self-confidence. To be yourself, you need to know yourself.
These questions are providing you a starting point to making changes in your life as needed. Participating in the process of self-reflection is making that first step toward self-improvement.
1- How can you describe yourself with 10 words.
2- Have you changed from how you were as a child
3- What do you consider your biggest achievement in the last 5 years
4- what hobbies do you enjoy doing?
5- where does your mind wander when you're doing something monotonous ?
6- What is something you can do better than someone else?
7- What kind of thing people think about you but isn't true ?
8- What are your fears?
9-What is the most fantastic thing about your life?
10-what bad habit are you trying to quit and how?
11- What are your values or the most important things in your life?
12- What makes you cry?
13- What activity do you do but you're not especially good at?
14- How would your life be if you weren't afraid of what people think about you? What is keeping you from living that way?
15- How do you see yourself in 10 years?
16- What quality do you admire the most about yourself?
17-Are you happy with your life? Why?
18- List 3 things you loved to do in your childhood. Do you still do it? If not, would you like to do it again? What is keeping you from doing it?
19- Who's the most important person in your life right now?
20- Who are the 5 people you are closest to and why them?
21- what are 5 good habits you want to start next month?
22- How does helping others make you feel?
23- what are 3 goals you want to accomplish before the end of the year?
24- Who you enjoy spending time with?
25- What are you grateful for this month/week?
26- What steps are you taking to reach your goals?
27- What are passionate about?
28- What worries you more about the future?
You need to answer them completely honestly. Don't try to answer them as you think they should be answered, just do it with as much truth as possible.
There's no right or bad answer. You are doing introspection, and you are discovering who you are and what you're expecting about life. It's okay if you struggle a little.
You're in the process of self-discovery and it can take time for you to get the answer. Do this self-interview now and then, repeat every month or so and you might have some new finding each time. It's as simple as that.
With these questions, you'll know who you are and proceed to make plans and goals that work with who you really are.
Now it's time to put it into action. I really hope that those questions will help you on your journey of self-awareness.
