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Great stuff to write about : 85 Fall related journal prompts


Updated: Feb 13, 2024

The most beautiful time of the year is here! It's a time for pumpkin spiced lattes, crisp leaves falling from the trees, and new notebooks. Autumn is the perfect season for jotting down your thoughts.

To help you integrate the Autumn vibe in your journaling, I have created these 85 prompts to get your creative juices flowing with some fall centred writing. Journaling about what you've experienced this fall will help you reconnect with your memories long after winter comes around.

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1. What are your plans for the fall season?

2. Write down some items on your bucket list.

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3. What does having a healthy fall mean to you?

4. What are some changes you want to make this season?

5. Write down the new habits you want to introduce.

6. Write down some old, bad habits to get rid of.

7. How can you have more time with your family?

8. Plan out a weekly family night.

9. How can you eat dinner together more often?

10. What are some outdoor workouts you enjoy?

11. What indoor workouts can you do on rainy days?

12. List some ways to get more fresh air this season.

13. Write down new places to get exercise you haven’t tried before.

14. Are you more of a hiking, cycling, or walking person?

15. What has the weather been like recently?

16. Write about creating a new skincare routine for the season.

17. What has been going right in your morning routine?

18. What improvements does your morning routine need?

19. Where in your day can you fit extra activities?

20. What part of your routine do you no longer connect with?

21. Draw some pictures in your journal of what fall means to you.

22. What is your favourite form of journaling?

23. How has journaling improved your life?

24. How can you fit in more journaling time?

25. Add a few more things to your fall bucket list.

26. What are some good memories from the past fall?

27. Plan a game night with friends.

28. If you could meet up with any friend, who would it be?

29. What is your favourite season?

30. What do you miss about summer?

31. What are you looking forward to this fall?

32. Do you struggle with sweets this season?

33. Write downy our Halloween plans.

34. How do you like to improve your healthy habits?

35. Do you go all-in or change habits slowly?

36. Do you share your plans or keep them to yourself?

37. What fall seasonal produce can you use more of?

38. Write down some healthy recipes you want to try.

39. Do you enjoy cooking?

40. What is your favourite thing to cook for your family?

41. Do you make elaborate Thanksgiving meals?

42. Write down 3 healthy meals to try this season.

43. How are you feeling mid-way through fall?

44. What bucket list items do you still want to get done?

45. How can you have a more positive mindset?

46. What were some causes of stress recently?

47. What cheers you up no matter what?

48. List ways you can be more mindful.

49. How often do you stay present?

50. Have you tried meditation?

51. Do a few minutes of breathing exercises, then write in your journal.

52. Today, try a brain dump of anything that is on your mind.

53. What is a challenging part of journaling for you?

54. How can you get more natural light on gloomy days?

55. How can you feel better on dark, cold days?

56. What has been the best part of this season?

57. Make a fall cleaning plan.

58. What organizing do you want to do?

59. Write about some big projects at home you want to tackle.

60. What is something you have been putting off?

61. How can you redecorate your space?

62. Write how to get more vitamin C in your diet.

63. What are your favourite rainy day activities?

64. What do you enjoy doing indoors with family?

65. Who are 3 people you could call in a time of need?

66. Spend a day unplugging, then journal about your experience.

67. List 5 things you have gotten done this season.

68. List 5 things you are looking forward to in the winter.

69. Highlight 3 things on your bucket list to still get done.

70. When you have a day off, what do you enjoy the most?

71. What have you added to your daily routine?

72. How can you improve your nighttime routine?

73. Do you struggle with sleep?

74. How relaxed do you feel when you get into bed?

75. How are you using mindfulness or meditation to help you sleep?

76. What do you think about before sleep?

77. Write about a fun memory from your childhood.

78. Write down words that describe your feelings about fall.

79. How can you have more down time?

80. Start planning your new year's resolutions.

81. What is still on your fall bucket list?

82. What are your plans for the winter?

83. What do you feel grateful for?

84. What was your favourite memory this season?

85. Start writing out your winter bucket list.

Autumn is a beautiful time of year, and it's also a great season to get in the habit of journaling. With these autumn-themed prompts, you'll have plenty of ideas for your next journal entry. We hope these prompts have been helpful!

Feel free to follow me on Twitter.

'till next time




Tom Cashman
Tom Cashman
Sep 04, 2023

Some excellent ideas! Thanks for sharing!


Pantea Rahimian
Pantea Rahimian
Sep 04, 2023

I love the variety of journal prompts that you suggested! What a wonderful way to get inspired for this fall. If anyone is looking for healthy ways to boost your happiness check out my post




Hey there! I'm Gerthy

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